Tools for OSH professionals

Exposome technologies and methods offer new possibilities for OSH professionals such as occupational hygienists and health practitioners in their daily practice. Various tools are made available which can help OSH professionals to monitor or manage occupational exposures.

Interactive tools for exploring exposure and risk

These interactive tools allows you to explore which exposures (chemical, physical, ergonomic, work organizational, and psychosocial aspects) may occur in which occupational group as well as the size of the exposed population. In addition, information is available  on chemicals for risk assessment.


Interactive tool on exposures by occupational group

European occupational exposure exploration tool

Explore potential chemical, physical, ergonomic, work organizational, and psychosocial exposures and exposed population sizes by occupational group and country.

Measuring occupational exposure

Measurements of workplace exposures are typically conducted by occupational hygienists and are crucial not only for evaluations of potential health risks, but also for prevention through evaluating effective use of control measures. New technologies for assessing external exposures used in exposome research, offer new possibilities for OSH professionals.

Measuring biomarkers of occupational exposure and effect

Occupational physicians prevent and treat work-related injuries and illnesses, and promote the overall health and well-being of employees. Biomarkers of exposure, health effects, disease progression, and susceptibility factors are being used. Exposome research explores early markers of exposure and disease as well as the noninvasive collection on biological samples helping OSH professionals in their task for more effective prevention of occupational diseases. 

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Tools for health scientists

Within EPHOR we deliver new sophisticated technologies, tools and methods. To ensure the (re)use of these outcomes this toolbox contains various tools which can be used in future (exposome) projects.

Tools for policy makers

EPHOR will create a new and growing scientific knowledge base on the working-life exposome in relation to non-communicable diseases, providing the basis for data-driven and effective policy making.

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